Below is a table indicating our school times, with the fees. A once off registration fee of R2 900 is applicable per child.


Includes Breakfast

Oakdale, Bellville CampusOakdale, Sunningdale Campus
Half day 07h15 – 14h30R3250Half day 07h00 – 14h30R3300
Full day – 07h15 – 17h30R3500Full Day 07h00 – 17h30R3550

Lower Elementary:

Includes Breakfast, Music, Robotics and Coding

Oakdale, Bellville CampusOakdale, Sunningdale Campus
Half day 07h15 – 14h30R3760Half day 07h00 – 14h30R3810
Full Day 07h15 – 17h30R4195Full Day 07h00 – 17h30R4245
Annual Stationary
Levy – Preschool / Toddler
Annual Stationary
Levy – Elementary
Provisions per
Holiday CareR100 / DayR100 / Day

School fees exclude holiday care which is billed upfront before each term holiday. Breakfast is served daily for Preprimary and Toddlers between 07h15 and 08h15 and Elementary from 07h15 and 07h50.

Start time – Pre-school starts at 08h30 daily.

Elementary – All elementary children need to be at school by 07h50 as classes start at 08h00.

The school closes for 4 weeks during December / January we are closed on Public Holidays.

Oakdale Montessori terms run as per the Western Cape Education departments school dates.

Extra murals offered at Bellville campus are:

Extra murals at Sunningdale campus to be determined.